Tenzin's Mom: Pedernal, Georgia O'Keeffe's Mountain
Tenzin's Mom: Dead Juniper at Ghost Ranch
Tenzin's Mom: Peaceful Retirement
Tenzin's Mom: Abiquiu Church
Tenzin's Mom: Texture 2
Tenzin's Mom: Texture 1
Tenzin's Mom: Architectural Detail
Tenzin's Mom: I know that bug is here somewhere!
Tenzin's Mom: Love these leaves.
Tenzin's Mom: The Economy
Tenzin's Mom: Fall Flower in Sedona
Tenzin's Mom: Fall Flower 2
Tenzin's Mom: Fall Flower 3
Tenzin's Mom: Late Bloomer
Tenzin's Mom: Yellow leaf: caught in the berries
Tenzin's Mom: Berries
Tenzin's Mom: Yellow leaf: resting on the maple
Tenzin's Mom: Burning Bush
Tenzin's Mom: Resting
Tenzin's Mom: Last leaf
Tenzin's Mom: Captured
Tenzin's Mom: Glowing
Tenzin's Mom: Touching
Tenzin's Mom: Haiku Moon
Tenzin's Mom: Pine Tree Moon
Tenzin's Mom: Sedona Vista
Tenzin's Mom: And his mate ...
Tenzin's Mom: Western Bluebird
Tenzin's Mom: Sedona
Tenzin's Mom: Sunliner