photosan0: That's me in the corner
photosan0: Mugshot
photosan0: Purple pain
photosan0: Walking on broken glass
photosan0: With every twist and turn
photosan0: The wrapper...
photosan0: Memento 1
photosan0: Memento 2
photosan0: 0 carat
photosan0: Our dark side
photosan0: Green with envy
photosan0: What the camera wanted...
photosan0: Blue fire
photosan0: Study
photosan0: Bakkie troost
photosan0: Suppressed
photosan0: Big blue oldfashioned style
photosan0: Red barred
photosan0: History
photosan0: Dogtag
photosan0: Craters
photosan0: Dome
photosan0: IMG_0759
photosan0: Protuberances
photosan0: Inside the bird