ramidaud.com: Working our way to Mars
ramidaud.com: Working our way to Mars
ramidaud.com: Working our way to Mars
ramidaud.com: GRC-2015-C-05806
ramidaud.com: Scarab Rover Testing
ramidaud.com: Scarab Rover Testing
ramidaud.com: Scarab Rover Testing
ramidaud.com: Scarab Rover Testing
ramidaud.com: Scarab Rover Testing
ramidaud.com: Scarab Rover Testing
ramidaud.com: Scarab Rover Testing
ramidaud.com: Scarab Rover Testing
ramidaud.com: Scarab Rover Testing
ramidaud.com: Rover Detail
ramidaud.com: Rover Detail
ramidaud.com: GRC Flight
ramidaud.com: GRC Flight
ramidaud.com: GRC Flight
ramidaud.com: GRC Flight Technicians at work
ramidaud.com: GRC Flight
ramidaud.com: GRC Flight
ramidaud.com: I get to work with a lot of interesting people here at #NASAglenn, this photo of Larry was taken during my first week here while covering some of our centers work to understand and tackle the algal bloom issue in Lake Erie. #NASA #earthscience #makeportra
ramidaud.com: Life on #Mars Mark has been showing me the ins and outs of working at #NASA. Yesterday we had the chance to photograph a test of new modules on the Scarab #Rover at the NASA Glenn Research Center in #Cleveland #space #science #engineering #NASAglenn #ph
ramidaud.com: #Fall comes into focus on this #beautiful day at #NASAglenn.#space #science #engineering #NASA #clevelandgram #cleveland
ramidaud.com: Walking to and from assignments at Glenn today. #nasa #NASAglenn #autumn #cleveland #clevegram #nikon #d800 #science #space #engineering
ramidaud.com: Superbloodmoon
ramidaud.com: Super Moon, September 29, 2015
ramidaud.com: NASA / Erie, Huron, Ottawa Vocational Education Career Center Partnership to Build a Mobile Solar Electric Power Trailer - Unveiling and Media Event
ramidaud.com: Super Guppy
ramidaud.com: Super Guppy