Laurence's Pictures:
Greetings from Austin
Laurence's Pictures:
Ft. Worth Stockyards
Laurence's Pictures:
Armadillo - Ft. Worth Stockyards
Laurence's Pictures:
Ft. Worth Stockyards
Laurence's Pictures:
Laurence's Pictures:
Laurence's Pictures:
Laurence's Pictures:
Stetson Cowboy Required
Laurence's Pictures:
Cowboy Required
Laurence's Pictures:
Cowboy Required
Laurence's Pictures:
Souvenir Magnets at the Historic Ft. Worth Stockyards
Laurence's Pictures:
A Lot of Sh@t at the Historic Ft. Worth Stockyards
Laurence's Pictures:
Steer Clear - Historic Ft. Worth Stockyards
Laurence's Pictures:
Freight elevator in the Sixth floor of the Texas book depository building museum
Laurence's Pictures:
Rucker rifle used by Lee Harvey Oswald, kathy Sixth floor of the Texas book depository building museum
Laurence's Pictures:
John F Kennedy statue at the Sixth floor of the Texas book depository building museum
Laurence's Pictures:
Sixth Floor Texas Book Depository
Laurence's Pictures:
Oswald’s position - Sixth Floor Texas Book Depository
Laurence's Pictures:
Ballistics Model - Sixth Floor Texas Book Depository Museum
Laurence's Pictures:
Sixth Floor Texas Book Depository Museum
Laurence's Pictures:
Archive Photo - Sixth Floor Texas Book Depository Museum
Laurence's Pictures:
Sixth Floor Book Depository Museum
Laurence's Pictures:
Sixth Floor Book Depository Museum
Laurence's Pictures:
Sixth Floor Book Depository Museum
Laurence's Pictures:
Historic Ft. Worth Stockyards
Laurence's Pictures:
Historic Ft. Worth Stockyards
Laurence's Pictures:
Laurence's Pictures: