darlenej529: Tree at Zoo Entrance 2
darlenej529: Tree at Zoo Entrance 1
darlenej529: St. Augustine
darlenej529: St. Augustine
darlenej529: Prescott, AZ Snow Storm
darlenej529: Prescott, AZ Snow Storm
darlenej529: Prescott, AZ Snow Storm
darlenej529: Prescott, AZ Snow Storm
darlenej529: Nature and her shadows
darlenej529: Prescott, AZ Snow Storm
darlenej529: Prescott, AZ Snow Storm
darlenej529: Prescott, AZ Snow Storm
darlenej529: On the street where I work
darlenej529: On the street where I work
darlenej529: Snow on the street
darlenej529: Snow on the trees
darlenej529: Snow on the trees
darlenej529: On the street where I work
darlenej529: Fain Park
darlenej529: Snow Melt in Oak Creek Canyon
darlenej529: Snow Melt in Oak Creek Canyon
darlenej529: Snow Melt in Oak Creek Canyon
darlenej529: DSCF1344
darlenej529: DSC06816
darlenej529: DSC06818
darlenej529: Watson Lake through the trees
darlenej529: Watson Lake through the trees
darlenej529: Beautiful colors up the canyon in Sedona
darlenej529: My favorite - Trees
darlenej529: The fall colors in Prescott