darlenej529: On the street where I work
darlenej529: On the street where I work
darlenej529: Cuppers Coffee house
darlenej529: Snow on the trees
darlenej529: Hotel Vendome patio
darlenej529: Hotel Vendome patio
darlenej529: On the street where I work
darlenej529: On the street where I work
darlenej529: Snow on the trees
darlenej529: Snow on the street
darlenej529: On the street where I work
darlenej529: Hotel Vendome where I work
darlenej529: Last little rose
darlenej529: Hotel Vendome Patio in snow
darlenej529: Snow on the trees
darlenej529: Snow on the trees
darlenej529: Snow on the trees
darlenej529: Snow on the trees
darlenej529: Snowing Again
darlenej529: Snow on the trees