Kate's Photos: Alphabet Monogram Quilt detail
Kate's Photos: Alphabet Monogram Quilt detail
Kate's Photos: Alphabet Monogram Quilt detail
Kate's Photos: Alphabet Monogram Quilt detail
Kate's Photos: Alphabet Monogram Quilt detail
Kate's Photos: Scottish Highland calf
Kate's Photos: Pony and foal
Kate's Photos: Alpacas
Kate's Photos: Big Oxen
Kate's Photos: Small Oxen
Kate's Photos: Freaky carrots
Kate's Photos: Boys on ride.
Kate's Photos: Those aren't Palm trees.
Kate's Photos: 2x4 arch
Kate's Photos: Stagecoach stage
Kate's Photos: Warning Sign
Kate's Photos: Turn with rock
Kate's Photos: Turn with rock
Kate's Photos: View from above.
Kate's Photos: Tiny waterfall
Kate's Photos: Kid through boulders
Kate's Photos: Waterfall