Kate's Photos: Through front door
Kate's Photos: Through back window
Kate's Photos: Well, George, I think you need a new carburator.
Kate's Photos: View from back window
Kate's Photos: View from front window
Kate's Photos: Fully eclipsed
Kate's Photos: Almost full eclipse
Kate's Photos: Awww, the distance shot
Kate's Photos: Awww, the close-up
Kate's Photos: Caged Fire
Kate's Photos: Cat Inna Basket
Kate's Photos: Paw and tail tip
Kate's Photos: Ear close-up
Kate's Photos: Sleeping Mio
Kate's Photos: Exploring
Kate's Photos: Emerging
Kate's Photos: Lounging
Kate's Photos: Downpour!
Kate's Photos: Downpour!
Kate's Photos: Old Light
Kate's Photos: New Light