Kate's Photos: Reflections
Kate's Photos: Son in water
Kate's Photos: Kid with waves
Kate's Photos: Tired unwashed son
Kate's Photos: The Kid in the bowl at 4.
Kate's Photos: The Kid in the bowl at 4 again.
Kate's Photos: Suprised while resting at 4 Seasons Skatepark
Kate's Photos: The Kid practicing his fronside air
Kate's Photos: The Kid after a face plant.
Kate's Photos: Freaky eyes and far too much hair
Kate's Photos: Kid skating at Grand Traverse Civic Center Skatepark
Kate's Photos: Sandskating
Kate's Photos: Ollie over Shadow Conspiracy cone.
Kate's Photos: The Kid
Kate's Photos: The Kid risking his life!
Kate's Photos: Wall ride
Kate's Photos: The Kid
Kate's Photos: Awww, the distance shot
Kate's Photos: Awww, the close-up
Kate's Photos: Killing time
Kate's Photos: Shoot to kill?
Kate's Photos: The Kid and Friends at Paintball Dave's
Kate's Photos: Comfy and Confused
Kate's Photos: Mio Loves Her Human
Kate's Photos: February 2, 1992
Kate's Photos: Christmas Day 1991
Kate's Photos: August 1991
Kate's Photos: November 1991