Voluntary Amputation: I'm Ugly "Long Detour"
Voluntary Amputation: Broken Heart Tour "NBD 2 Maine"
Voluntary Amputation: Bob "Fuck Things"
Voluntary Amputation: Glasz "So Many Beavers"
Voluntary Amputation: Virgina Zeke "Edith Hall"
Voluntary Amputation: Retribalize "Tele P.O."
Voluntary Amputation: Carter City
Voluntary Amputation: Certain Fate "Happens Happens"
Voluntary Amputation: Virgina Zeke "Edith"
Voluntary Amputation: Omega Three
Voluntary Amputation: Already Made "Wheel of Progress"
Voluntary Amputation: Retribalize "Tele P.O."
Voluntary Amputation: Lurkin' While You're Working
Voluntary Amputation: I'm Ugly "Ascending the Divine"
Voluntary Amputation: Retribalize "NBD to Snow"
Voluntary Amputation: J.M. "SF Yard- Santa Fe, N. MEX" 1982
Voluntary Amputation: Corkscrew Johnny
Voluntary Amputation: Shingleitus
Voluntary Amputation: Men of Culture
Voluntary Amputation: The Solo Artist x Men of Culture x Read Up
Voluntary Amputation: Khaze "Amy"
Voluntary Amputation: Bong Water Billy