spartanburgphotoguild: Not How They Did It During the Dustbowl Days-1
spartanburgphotoguild: Web-IMG_9980-12
spartanburgphotoguild: working his web
spartanburgphotoguild: Don't Tailslide the Harvester-1
spartanburgphotoguild: Only 4600 more passes to go-1
spartanburgphotoguild: court defense
spartanburgphotoguild: 000000440026-Edit-3130 x 2075
spartanburgphotoguild: 000000440035-Edit-3130 x 2075
spartanburgphotoguild: cleaning home plate
spartanburgphotoguild: pilotting the Henry Harford Cumming
spartanburgphotoguild: Working bird
spartanburgphotoguild: Greenville HighlanDrumming Workd Games 25 MAY 2019 Albanach Drummer Contest
spartanburgphotoguild: Greenville HighlaRock 'n' Roll is hard worknd Games 2019 Erica Berg Collective--sharpen-stabilize Contest
spartanburgphotoguild: 7A3A9809 straight