photo.palace: Royal procession to start joust
photo.palace: Royal procession to start joust
photo.palace: Royal procession to start joust
photo.palace: Wedding couples in procession
photo.palace: Wedding couples in procession
photo.palace: Jouster
photo.palace: Queen Anne, King Henry, Lady and Lord Wagner
photo.palace: Jousters
photo.palace: Jouster
photo.palace: Jouster
photo.palace: Jouster
photo.palace: Jouster
photo.palace: Jouster
photo.palace: Jouster
photo.palace: Lady and Lord Montgomery
photo.palace: Jouster
photo.palace: Jouster
photo.palace: Royal procession
photo.palace: Jouster
photo.palace: Combat
photo.palace: Jouster
photo.palace: Wedding couples in procession
photo.palace: Returning to reception area after joust