photo.palace: Royal Gardens reception area
photo.palace: Reception held in the Queen Anne Rose Area
photo.palace: Feasting!
photo.palace: Feasting
photo.palace: Feasting
photo.palace: Feasting
photo.palace: Turkey legs, sausage, corn
photo.palace: Fruit and salads
photo.palace: Feasting
photo.palace: Feasting
photo.palace: Carol, Lou, Kevin
photo.palace: Amber and Max
photo.palace: Feasting
photo.palace: Travis and Val
photo.palace: Heather and Tara
photo.palace: Heather, Val, Tara, Taylor
photo.palace: Heather, Val, Tara, Taylor
photo.palace: Receiving line
photo.palace: Receiving line
photo.palace: Receiving line
photo.palace: Receiving line
photo.palace: Receiving line
photo.palace: Carol and Cheryl
photo.palace: Carol and Cheryl
photo.palace: Huunnggrryy!