S.D. Photography: Large-9945
S.D. Photography: large-9933
S.D. Photography: Large-9856
S.D. Photography: *DING* Brownies are done.
S.D. Photography: First batch. Going smaller from now on.
S.D. Photography: Spaghetti sauce, cookie dough, and pizza. The Coke is the only thing missing.
S.D. Photography: Let it snow, let it snow
S.D. Photography: Yay Snow. Already have about 2 inches. And it's still falling.
S.D. Photography: Homemade banana bread, straight out of the stone. Smells wonderful.
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-001
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-002
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-003
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-007
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-010
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-011
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-014
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-018
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-022
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-031
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-039
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-044
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-049
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S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-058
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-062
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-063
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-067
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-069
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-070
S.D. Photography: Washington--20131201-072