photonburst: 20071224-DSC_1588
photonburst: 20071224-DSC_1590
photonburst: Knuckles Loves You
photonburst: lara stares
photonburst: lara perturbed
photonburst: lara portrait
photonburst: 20080105-DSC_5906
photonburst: yes_your_highness
photonburst: huge_kitten
photonburst: lara_croft2
photonburst: You see it in my eyes
photonburst: alert
photonburst: sophisticated lady
photonburst: You say the square root of infinity is a tangent, eh?
photonburst: Ha, and I know the answer.
photonburst: Watson, I DO declare!
photonburst: That is absolutely brilliant! Fascinating!
photonburst: Love me
photonburst: Don't Run with Scissors
photonburst: Hey, over here!
photonburst: I can squish you
photonburst: You want a piece of me?
photonburst: 20080315-DSC_8495
photonburst: A little touch of garlic, some parmesan and basil
photonburst: that smells FUNKY
photonburst: Mrs. Smith in the Library with the knife.
photonburst: Mission accomplished.
photonburst: Give me one million dollars.
photonburst: Kitty Porn
photonburst: I'll eat you.