photomaton & vox: Janette McGinty
photomaton & vox: As all the thought police are closing in for sleep. and in my mind I'm everyone
photomaton & vox: This room
photomaton & vox: (slightly) dead already
photomaton & vox: en attendants la nouvelle vague
photomaton & vox: a face is just a face and there's nothing matching behind it
photomaton & vox: cigarette break
photomaton & vox: Too vague?
photomaton & vox: From monday 'till friday. And on sunday we cry.
photomaton & vox: strange fish
photomaton & vox: sometimes everything looks blurry and far away
photomaton & vox: but sometimes its good to keep a certain distance. before things start getting ugly
photomaton & vox: it was a body. now it's a home