photomatom: Street cobbler
photomatom: Facing the Yellow River
photomatom: Wonna bet?
photomatom: French chef
photomatom: Dunhuang Yadan Geological Park
photomatom: Great Wall
photomatom: Yumenguan
photomatom: A little fellow lizard || Everything is yellow
photomatom: The cliché pursuit
photomatom: Riding the camel
photomatom: Boy or girl
photomatom: The mosque and the temple
photomatom: Silk fountain
photomatom: Like a stamp
photomatom: I don't know...
photomatom: Facing Mecca
photomatom: Maybe there's something here
photomatom: Diaper free
photomatom: Mouth, I love you!
photomatom: Who said so?
photomatom: Nan in the making
photomatom: Uyghur medicine
photomatom: Can I get out now?
photomatom: Emin Minaret
photomatom: Emin Minaret
photomatom: Yeah, right...