Photoma*: Golden morning (in Explore 220317)
Photoma*: Early morning river gums
Photoma*: Dawn reflections (in Explore 4 June 2022)
Photoma*: Mind the gap
Photoma*: Dreadlocks
Photoma*: Early morning blues (in explore 20 January 2022)
Photoma*: Alpine valley
Photoma*: A misty frosty alpine dawn
Photoma*: I took the road less travelled by
Photoma*: Dawn breaks over a frosted plain
Photoma*: Gungarlin River in the mist
Photoma*: Frosty brumbies
Photoma*: Shiver me timbers, it's cold!
Photoma*: Daybreak: Tumut River
Photoma*: Snowclouds over the Brindies
Photoma*: River rocks, mist and fields
Photoma*: Mist on the Murray #2
Photoma*: Hot springs at sunrise - Montecollina Bore
Photoma*: Muddy shore of a man-made lake
Photoma*: Bore stream, Birdsville
Photoma*: 160918 NGA photowalk 6
Photoma*: Soccer in the mist
Photoma*: Magical mist
Photoma*: Misty morning reflections on Lake Bellfield
Photoma*: 221007 Scrivener Dam
Photoma*: Misty River Dawn
Photoma*: Here comes the sun (in Explore 22 May 2023)
Photoma*: Abandoned (in Explore 13 June 2023).
Photoma*: The geometry of abandonment
Photoma*: Sinister sunrise (in Explore 5 July 2023)