photom2011: DSC_651j7
photom2011: Close contact
photom2011: DSC_40bumblebie11
photom2011: Bee living in the ground
photom2011: Ant Docu
photom2011: Cary me home
photom2011: Butterfly of some sort enjoying life
photom2011: Closeup butterfly
photom2011: Ant sitting on his stick resting and saying hi!
photom2011: DSC_4181
photom2011: The angry antfarm
photom2011: Interrupted
photom2011: Work work work
photom2011: Hi there!
photom2011: lill baby bee..
photom2011: Reflecting leaf
photom2011: Resting while your taking your damn picture
photom2011: Reflection in the ice and the village inside
photom2011: the shadows
photom2011: Reflecting Spider fangs
photom2011: The unknown attacker
photom2011: The Mosquito
photom2011: Flying beauty in natural colours
photom2011: Still hanging in there
photom2011: Leaving its nest
photom2011: Resting pelt
photom2011: In the nest of the...
photom2011: Hairy Brown Fly sideview
photom2011: Hairy Brown Fly back
photom2011: Sephia Ant