My PHOTOlulu:
I'm in Little India
My PHOTOlulu:
Having fun in India
My PHOTOlulu:
Exotic BLinner?
My PHOTOlulu:
Oops! wrong toilet.
My PHOTOlulu:
I should get a disguise
My PHOTOlulu:
Now I'm hungry
My PHOTOlulu:
Which way to Chinatown?
My PHOTOlulu:
Done with grocery shopping
My PHOTOlulu:
My PHOTOlulu:
Seeking medical help
My PHOTOlulu:
Back in India
My PHOTOlulu:
Crew setting up for Cameron Crowe's movie.
My PHOTOlulu:
My PHOTOlulu:
Take me to Chinatown
My PHOTOlulu:
My PHOTOlulu:
My ride is here.
My PHOTOlulu:
Roll in the soft box.
My PHOTOlulu:
I'm getting lung cancer
My PHOTOlulu:
Setting up
My PHOTOlulu:
I like my eggs burnt
My PHOTOlulu:
Send in the extras
My PHOTOlulu:
There's an Oahu Market in India?
My PHOTOlulu:
Lights camera...
My PHOTOlulu:
Time to head back to Hawaii