photojojo: road_6
photojojo: road_5
photojojo: road_4
photojojo: hi-fi system
photojojo: road_2
photojojo: road_1
photojojo: a little bit drunk
photojojo: dog the bounty hunter on TV
photojojo: stuff
photojojo: temporary Texas office
photojojo: DSC_0007
photojojo: DSC_0004
photojojo: DSC_0003
photojojo: DSC_0002
photojojo: moustashe study
photojojo: mustasche study
photojojo: mustachio study
photojojo: all my bags are packed
photojojo: gotta lock the door
photojojo: floor pattern w/ light study
photojojo: Domke Punch
photojojo: 190 Eastbound
photojojo: "Hey Jason, I'm doing that face!"
photojojo: stache study
photojojo: Central Texas Drive-In Theater