pHOtoisfun: My shadow stays at Angkor Wat
pHOtoisfun: Sadow in Angkor Wat
pHOtoisfun: Sunrise at Sra_Srang @ Ankor
pHOtoisfun: whirlwind
pHOtoisfun: Leica
pHOtoisfun: cafe shop's corner
pHOtoisfun: unknow flower
pHOtoisfun: Wow...So beautiful view
pHOtoisfun: The firt sunrise of 2007
pHOtoisfun: running stream [桶后溪]
pHOtoisfun: Window & shadow
pHOtoisfun: Sunset @ Taipei city(單車幼幼班開課摟...)
pHOtoisfun: Sunset at Dan shui river,Taipei(淡水河畔)
pHOtoisfun: 寧靜
pHOtoisfun: Sunset at the high mountain(西巒大山營地)
pHOtoisfun: A Park at Nei hu Science park in Taipei(內湖園區)
pHOtoisfun: High mountain Lake in Taiwan(高山湖泊-七彩湖)
pHOtoisfun: Graffiti @ Taipei city
pHOtoisfun: Graffiti-->Sorry
pHOtoisfun: 夜色@社子島
pHOtoisfun: 社子島的夜空
pHOtoisfun: 大直橋@台北
pHOtoisfun: Taroko National Park太魯閣國家公園
pHOtoisfun: chair
pHOtoisfun: 劍南山 日出~2
pHOtoisfun: 劍南山影日出[Sunrise during typhoon season]
pHOtoisfun: 雲彩飄飄@劍南山
pHOtoisfun: 漁人碼頭
pHOtoisfun: Mountain trail
pHOtoisfun: Ferris wheel 俯瞰美麗華