Kenny Shackleford: Got A Match?
Kenny Shackleford: The Things You See St Sloss
Kenny Shackleford: Infectious Waste
Kenny Shackleford: Inside Plants
Kenny Shackleford: Inside Looking Out
Kenny Shackleford: Friends In A Furnace
Kenny Shackleford: The Two Of Us in a Furnace
Kenny Shackleford: Sloss Foundry
Kenny Shackleford: Sloss Foundry
Kenny Shackleford: Sloss Foundry
Kenny Shackleford: Sloss Foundry
Kenny Shackleford: Gross Aparitions
Kenny Shackleford: 20140927_300_ShiftN
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Kenny Shackleford: 20140927_314
Kenny Shackleford: 20140927_a314
Kenny Shackleford: 20140927_312
Kenny Shackleford: 20140927_248
Kenny Shackleford: 20140927_249_ShiftN
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Kenny Shackleford: 20140927_254_ShiftN
Kenny Shackleford: 20140927_255_ShiftN
Kenny Shackleford: 20140927a_255_ShiftN
Kenny Shackleford: 20140927_257
Kenny Shackleford: Sloss Fright Furnaces
Kenny Shackleford: "Sloss Fright Furnaces"
Kenny Shackleford: 20140927_263
Kenny Shackleford: 20140927_265
Kenny Shackleford: 20140927_270