Kenny Shackleford: Nose Like a B52
Kenny Shackleford: Strip Mall
Kenny Shackleford: Joan Embry and Ronald McDonald
Kenny Shackleford: Thunder Birds
Kenny Shackleford: Rusty and The Oak
Kenny Shackleford: C141 In The Eyes
Kenny Shackleford: Another Old Rocker
Kenny Shackleford: Old Rocker
Kenny Shackleford: Building on the Corner
Kenny Shackleford: Red, White, & Blue
Kenny Shackleford: Victorian Home
Kenny Shackleford: Victorian Home
Kenny Shackleford: RF4C Phantom II
Kenny Shackleford: USAF Thunderbirds F16s
Kenny Shackleford: P61 Black Widow Model
Kenny Shackleford: F105 "Thud"
Kenny Shackleford: USAF Thunderbirds "F16"
Kenny Shackleford: Hank William's Grave
Kenny Shackleford: South Alabama Sky
Kenny Shackleford: Remember When?