By ISOZPHOTO: Winterfeld
By ISOZPHOTO: Kamille - Chamomile _ 23-1
By ISOZPHOTO: Ein Angler bei Fécamp, Normandie
By ISOZPHOTO: Badersee, Grainau
By ISOZPHOTO: Auf ein Glas Rotwein - For a glass of red wine
By ISOZPHOTO: Formen der Natur
By ISOZPHOTO: Winterfarben 3
By ISOZPHOTO: Kleine unbekannte Blüte
By ISOZPHOTO: Strommast - power pole 5
By ISOZPHOTO: Naturtunnel
By ISOZPHOTO: Gewöhnliche Schneebeere - Ordinary Snowberry
By ISOZPHOTO: Lappand 14
By ISOZPHOTO: Ruprechtskraut - Geranium robertianum
By ISOZPHOTO: Weizen - Wheat - E-M1
By ISOZPHOTO: Verwischt
By ISOZPHOTO: Alte Mauer an der Küste der Normandie - Old wall on the Normandy coast
By ISOZPHOTO: Lappland 09
By ISOZPHOTO: Im Land der Windräder - In the land of wind turbines
By ISOZPHOTO: Blick in den Sonnenuntergang - View of the sunset
By ISOZPHOTO: Phare de Gatteville, Normandie
By ISOZPHOTO: Herbstlichter, Jülich, Brückenkopfpark 2022 - Autumn lights, Jülich, Brückenkopfpark 2022 _2
By ISOZPHOTO: Waldmeister - Woodruff
By ISOZPHOTO: Lappland 04
By ISOZPHOTO: Osterfelderkopf im Nebel - Osterfelderkopf in the fog
By ISOZPHOTO: Blick in die Ruraue - View into the Ruraue
By ISOZPHOTO: Wanderweg bei Vossenack - Hiking trail near Vossenack _ 2
By ISOZPHOTO: Filou's Blick - Filou's look
By ISOZPHOTO: Pusteblume - Dandelion
By ISOZPHOTO: Goldene Felder - golden fields
By ISOZPHOTO: Weitsicht auf Burg Kreuzberg - Wide view of Kreuzberg Castle