By ISOZPHOTO: Lavendelblüte - Lavender blossom
By ISOZPHOTO: Acker-Hornkraut - Field chickweed
By ISOZPHOTO: Blühend auf der Wiese - Blooming in the meadow
By ISOZPHOTO: Blätter eines Gänseblümchens - Leaves of a daisy
By ISOZPHOTO: Rosarote Rose - Pink rose
By ISOZPHOTO: Glockenblumen - Campanula
By ISOZPHOTO: Ferkelkräuter - Hypochaeris
By ISOZPHOTO: Gänseblümchen - Daisy
By ISOZPHOTO: Greiskräuter - Senecio
By ISOZPHOTO: Kleine Braunelle - Prunella vulgaris _ 2
By ISOZPHOTO: Kleine Braunelle - Prunella vulgaris
By ISOZPHOTO: Schmalblättriges Greiskraut - Senecio inaequidens
By ISOZPHOTO: Kamillen - Chamomile
By ISOZPHOTO: Acker-Hornkraut - Field chickweed
By ISOZPHOTO: Blühender Ginster - Blooming gorse
By ISOZPHOTO: Traubenhyazinthen - Muscari
By ISOZPHOTO: Clematis macropetala ‘Lagoon’
By ISOZPHOTO: Gänseblümchen mit Besucher - Daisy with visitor
By ISOZPHOTO: Gartenschaumkraut - Cardamine hirsuta
By ISOZPHOTO: Gelbe Narzisse - Yellow daffodil _2
By ISOZPHOTO: Gelbe Narzisse - Yellow daffodil
By ISOZPHOTO: Weiße Narzisse - White daffodil
By ISOZPHOTO: Wilde Schönheit - Wild beauty
By ISOZPHOTO: Mohnblüte - poppy blossom
By ISOZPHOTO: Rose mit der alten Camedia E-10
By ISOZPHOTO: Geteilte Mohnblüte - Divided poppy blossom
By ISOZPHOTO: Weiße Lichtnelke - Silene latifolia
By ISOZPHOTO: Taglilie - daylily
By ISOZPHOTO: Einsame Mohnblüte - Lonely poppy flower
By ISOZPHOTO: Ruprechtskraut - Geranium robertianum