By ISOZPHOTO: Herbstfarben im Winter - Autumn colors in winter
By ISOZPHOTO: Distel im Winter - Thistle in winter
By ISOZPHOTO: Gräserblüte zum Sonnenaufgang - Grasses blooming at sunrise
By ISOZPHOTO: Kleine Braunelle - Prunella vulgaris _ 2
By ISOZPHOTO: Kleine Braunelle - Prunella vulgaris
By ISOZPHOTO: Schönheit der Natur - Beauty of nature
By ISOZPHOTO: Mein Sturkopf - My stubborn head
By ISOZPHOTO: Glockenblumen - Campanula
By ISOZPHOTO: Greiskräuter - Senecio
By ISOZPHOTO: Reste aus dem letzten Jahr - Leftovers from last year
By ISOZPHOTO: E1 - 50mm 2.0 _ 2
By ISOZPHOTO: Ruprechtskraut - Geranium robertianum
By ISOZPHOTO: Mohnblüte - poppy blossom
By ISOZPHOTO: E1 - 50mm 2.0
By ISOZPHOTO: Brennnessel - nettle
By ISOZPHOTO: Trifolium
By ISOZPHOTO: Kleiner schwarzer Käfer - Little black beetle
By ISOZPHOTO: Vom Winde verweht - Blown by the wind
By ISOZPHOTO: Knoblauchsrauke - garlic mustard
By ISOZPHOTO: Blüten vom Waldmeister - Woodruff flowers
By ISOZPHOTO: Polster-Phlox - Upholstery Phlox
By ISOZPHOTO: Alter Traktor, Detail - Old tractor, detail _2
By ISOZPHOTO: Alter Traktor, Detail - Old tractor, detail
By ISOZPHOTO: Traktor auf der Pferdekoppel - Tractor in the paddock
By ISOZPHOTO: Winterfarben 2
By ISOZPHOTO: Winterfarben 3
By ISOZPHOTO: Winterfeld
By ISOZPHOTO: Winterfarben
By ISOZPHOTO: Allein stehender Baum
By ISOZPHOTO: SW Winter Impression