By ISOZPHOTO: Lappland 08
By ISOZPHOTO: Winter 24
By ISOZPHOTO: Im Wintergarten - In the winter garden
By ISOZPHOTO: Wald im Nebel - Forest in the fog
By ISOZPHOTO: Macro Mondays - Mesh
By ISOZPHOTO: Eine kleine Libelle - A little dragonfly
By ISOZPHOTO: Lappland 04
By ISOZPHOTO: Regentropfen - Raindrops
By ISOZPHOTO: Echter Wundklee - Real kidney vetch
By ISOZPHOTO: Joggen im Naturtunnel - Jogging in the natural tunnel
By ISOZPHOTO: Goldfliege - Lucilia sericata
By ISOZPHOTO: Wiesen in der Ruraue - Meadows in the Ruraue
By ISOZPHOTO: Taglilie - daylily
By ISOZPHOTO: Filou folgt Frauchen - Filou follows his mistress
By ISOZPHOTO: Kapkörbchen - Osteospermum
By ISOZPHOTO: Pusteblume auf der Wiese - Dandelion in the meadow
By ISOZPHOTO: Ohne Laub - Without foliage
By ISOZPHOTO: Abendstimmung Detail - Evening mood detail _ 3
By ISOZPHOTO: Lappland 10
By ISOZPHOTO: Große Sternmiere - Big chickweed
By ISOZPHOTO: Kunstwald - artificial forest
By ISOZPHOTO: Nahaufnahme der Kamillenblüte - Close-up of chamomile flower
By ISOZPHOTO: Auf ein Glas Rotwein - For a glass of red wine
By ISOZPHOTO: Ein fröhliches Grinsen - A happy grin
By ISOZPHOTO: Bald reif
By ISOZPHOTO: Fahrt durch die Felder - Drive through the fields
By ISOZPHOTO: Schwebfliege im Anflug - Hoverfly approaching
By ISOZPHOTO: Der Tag beginnt mit Nebel - The day begins with fog
By ISOZPHOTO: Gelbe Narzisse - Yellow Daffodil
By ISOZPHOTO: Erwachen - awakening