Photography by Clare Scott:
29(R) Sqn Eurofighter Typhoons... at RAF Coningsby.
Photography by Clare Scott:
Eurofighter Typhoon 3(F) Sqn. RAF Coningsby.
Photography by Clare Scott:
Nothing more incredible than Nature...
Photography by Clare Scott:
One from Thursday. G-CGKF Grob G-115E Tutor.1115 Local.
Photography by Clare Scott:
41 Sqn Eurofigher Typhoon at RAF Coningsby.
Photography by Clare Scott:
McDonnell-Douglas AF 98-0135 / LNFrom the 48th Fighter Wing, 492nd Fighter Squadron "Madhatters"
Photography by Clare Scott:
Flt Lt Jamie 'Noz' Norris Typhoon Display showing next years Display Pilot the ropes today.Quite literally the best 7 minutes I've had for a long time.Loved every second.
Photography by Clare Scott:
Spitfire MK356 (Mk LFIXe) in her new colours. RAF Coningsby. Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.