photographybybuild: Test–Card.
photographybybuild: Laser-Deck.
photographybybuild: Build Bird™
photographybybuild: Creative Review – August 2007
photographybybuild: Creative Review – August 2007
photographybybuild: It's OK to touch.
photographybybuild: Modern life is rubbish
photographybybuild: Rules and Borders.
photographybybuild: Lunch. 13.12.07. 13:43.
photographybybuild: Multi-Religion.
photographybybuild: Team Build – 1.
photographybybuild: Team Build – 2.
photographybybuild: Individual piece title – Nurture/Nature.
photographybybuild: 3x3+1 – Think Glocal.
photographybybuild: Gatefold LP - Front.
photographybybuild: Gatefold LP - Back.
photographybybuild: Inner sleeve.
photographybybuild: Inner sleeve.