photographicheritage: Hypostyle hall of the Karnak temple (stereoscopic view, El-Karnak, Egypt)
photographicheritage: Hypostyle hall of the Karnak temple (stereoscopic view, El-Karnak, Egypt) - reverse side
photographicheritage: Hôtel de Ville, city hall (stereoscopic view, Paris, France)
photographicheritage: Exposition Universelle of 1900, the Palace of Electricity (stereoscopic view, Paris, France)
photographicheritage: Exposition Universelle of 1900, view of Pont Alexandre III (stereoscopic view, Paris, France)
photographicheritage: Exposition Universelle of 1900, view of Pont de l'Alma (stereoscopic view, Paris, France)
photographicheritage: Exposition Universelle of 1900, the Palace of Mines and Metallurgy (stereoscopic view, Paris, France)
photographicheritage: Palais Garnier opera house (stereoscopic view, Paris, France)
photographicheritage: Apse of Notre-Dame cathedral seen from the river Seine (stereoscopic view, Paris, France)
photographicheritage: A balloon hawker (stereoscopic view, Paris, France)
photographicheritage: Entrance of the Great Pyramid (stereoscopic view, Giza, Egypt)
photographicheritage: Entrance of the Great Pyramid (stereoscopic view, Giza, Egypt) - reverse side
photographicheritage: Hypostyle hall of the Seti I temple (stereoscopic view, Abydos, Egypt)
photographicheritage: Hypostyle hall of the Seti I temple (stereoscopic view, Abydos, Egypt) - reverse side
photographicheritage: French soldiers in trench on the Oise front during WWI (stereoscopic plate, France)
photographicheritage: Injured German soldier at Thiaumont aid station during WWI (stereoscopic plate, France)
photographicheritage: French soldiers in Berry-au-Bac trench during WWI (stereoscopic plate, France)
photographicheritage: Spahi soldiers at bivouac on the Oise front during WWI (stereoscopic plate, France)
photographicheritage: Injured soldiers going to aid-station during WWI (stereoscopic glass plate, Desnes, France)
photographicheritage: Changeover the day before attack during WWI (stereoscopic glass plate, France)
photographicheritage: French military convoy on the Champagne front during WWI (stereoscopic plate, France)
photographicheritage: French foot-soldiers preparing for attack near Montdidier on Somme front during WWI (stereoscopic plate, France)
photographicheritage: Soldiers in trench after winter on Champagne front during WWI (stereoscopic glass plate, France)
photographicheritage: Soldiers building trench near Moronvilliers during WWI (stereoscopic glass plate, France)
photographicheritage: Young lady in Bagatelle garden (autochrome, France)
photographicheritage: View of the Huitrière post in Lombartzyde during WWI (stereoscopic glass plate, Belgium)
photographicheritage: View of Combles during WWI (stereoscopic glass plate, France)
photographicheritage: Ruins of church of Frise during WWI (stereoscopic glass plate, France)
photographicheritage: Battefield in Champagne during WWI (stereoscopic glass plate, France)
photographicheritage: Communication station in Ville-sur-Tourbe during WWI (stereoscopic glass plate, France)