paintpleinair: WELCOME TO AMBULATORY CARE, Windsor Regional Hospital, Windsor On. Ca. #1 of 2
paintpleinair: WELCOME TO AMBULATORY CARE, Windsor Regional Hospital, Windsor On. Ca.# 2 of 2
paintpleinair: Mill Street Windmill Replica
paintpleinair: 34th World Wide Sketch Crawl.
paintpleinair: 35th International Sketch Crawl - Brrrrr! Staying warm.
paintpleinair: The view from my toasty warm car.
paintpleinair: 35 International Sketch Crawl. Dieppe Park/Detroit River from the Windsor Side.
paintpleinair: 34th World Wide Sketch Crawl
paintpleinair: Hyram Walker's Distillery from the other side of the tracks.
paintpleinair: Backdoor Neighbo(u)rs