James Watts, Jr: Red-tailed Hawk with a snake at Coyote Hills
James Watts, Jr: Northern Harrier at Coyote Hills
James Watts, Jr: Cooper's Hawk at Hayward Shoreline
James Watts, Jr: Red-shouldered Hawk at Hayward Shoreline
James Watts, Jr: Peregrine Falcon at Devil's Slide
James Watts, Jr: Osprey with two fish at Noyo Harbor
James Watts, Jr: Bald Eagle at Dead Horse Ranch SP
James Watts, Jr: Bald Eagle at Lake Klamath
James Watts, Jr: Turkey Vulture at Dry Creek
James Watts, Jr: Ring-billed Gull
James Watts, Jr: Western Gull
James Watts, Jr: Great and Snowy Egrets at Hayward Shoreline
James Watts, Jr: Great Egret at Hayward Shoreline
James Watts, Jr: Snowy Egret at Hayward Shoreline
James Watts, Jr: Great Blue Heron at Coyote Hills
James Watts, Jr: Marbled Godwits, Stilts, and Willets at Arrowhead Marsh
James Watts, Jr: Long-billed Curlew coming in for a landing among the Willets
James Watts, Jr: Marbled Godwits at Hayward Shoreline
James Watts, Jr: Murmuration of Western Sandpipers
James Watts, Jr: Black-necked Stilt at Hayward Shoreline
James Watts, Jr: American Avocet at Hayward Shoreline
James Watts, Jr: California Scrub Jay at Coyote Hills
James Watts, Jr: Golden Crowned Sparrow at Pillar Point Bluffs
James Watts, Jr: Song Sparrow at Coyote Hills
James Watts, Jr: Savannah Sparrow on fennel at Hayward Shoreline
James Watts, Jr: White Crowned Sparrow
James Watts, Jr: Purple Finch and House Finch at Ardenwood
James Watts, Jr: House Wren
James Watts, Jr: Townsend's Warbler at Ardenwood
James Watts, Jr: Wilson's Warbler at Patrick's Point