texburgher: Preparing to sing
texburgher: Alex opening his cupcake
texburgher: blowing out the candles
texburgher: party
texburgher: Jack and Conner eating
texburgher: best wrapping job ever
texburgher: cupcake
texburgher: alex
texburgher: Opening camera
texburgher: First digital camera - my gosh it's a brave new world.
texburgher: Bunny in hat again
texburgher: Alex examines legos
texburgher: Alex and his bunny
texburgher: Jack and me
texburgher: again
texburgher: Kids posing
texburgher: again
texburgher: again
texburgher: Bunny in the hat
texburgher: Cupcakes