photofarmer: Jungle cat
photofarmer: Be sure to wash lettuce before eating
photofarmer: Gillie stalking the catnip
photofarmer: Gillie post-catnip
photofarmer: Cat refuge
photofarmer: You know, I think the large trees are easier.
photofarmer: Maybe I'll get a little climbing practice on the small tree today
photofarmer: Sleeping beauty
photofarmer: Waiting for summer
photofarmer: Nap time
photofarmer: Cat on greenhouse
photofarmer: Nap time
photofarmer: Exploring 1
photofarmer: Play time
photofarmer: Gilbert
photofarmer: Cats and dog
photofarmer: Greenhouse with cat
photofarmer: Cat on greenhouse
photofarmer: Cat near greenhouse
photofarmer: Cat on greenhouse
photofarmer: Cat with greenhouse
photofarmer: Cat near greenhouse
photofarmer: Field cat
photofarmer: Greenhouse with cats
photofarmer: Cat in flowers
photofarmer: Cat on an asphalt shingle roof
photofarmer: Cats with wreath
photofarmer: You can lead a cat to water...
photofarmer: Gilbert (Gillie)
photofarmer: Gillie