Photocology: Even in space the Black Man goes to jail.
Photocology: Violation for having too much Force in my pants
Photocology: Get down on your knees White Boy!
Photocology: Obama Vs. McCain
Photocology: Don't get too close to Obama!
Photocology: The "Black One" is our Leader
Photocology: Huny Trying to twit her tweets
Photocology: Cool things
Photocology: $5 DVD's and no Africans!
Photocology: Space Booty Vs. Captain Whitebooty
Photocology: Space Booty Vs. Darkness...
Photocology: No pictures dammit!
Photocology: We Are! Microsexuals!
Photocology: Microsexuals, smaller is betteh
Photocology: Microsexuals, you better get used to that!
Photocology: Fixin' muh face again...
Photocology: I just got this face what's wrong with it?
Photocology: Marshmello on head
Photocology: Chewy luv
Photocology: Nice PJ's
Photocology: Typical nightclub doorman
Photocology: Muh Sexeh Robes
Photocology: Brains has?
Photocology: Ole School Cylons
Photocology: iJistine?
Photocology: Must has...
Photocology: Not sure...
Photocology: Predator and Bobba Fett
Photocology: 6 weeks of pay on the paint
Photocology: He live wit his momma