Photocology: Tee, prolly in the window thinking, "How do I get out of here?"
Photocology: Tee in Pittsburgh
Photocology: Oh yeah!
Photocology: Tee in Pittsburgh
Photocology: Tee Marie in Pittsburgh
Photocology: Tee in Pittsburgh
Photocology: Tee in Pittsburgh
Photocology: Tee in Pittsburgh
Photocology: Tee in Pittsburgh
Photocology: Look at that fool's hair
Photocology: Tee on 33rd Street
Photocology: Tee in the subway
Photocology: Tee in the subway
Photocology: Tee in the subway
Photocology: Tee in the subway
Photocology: Tee at City Hall
Photocology: Tee at City Hall
Photocology: Tee at City Hall
Photocology: The tongue ring does work BTw'
Photocology: Tee at City Hall
Photocology: Tee at City Hall
Photocology: Tee at City Hall
Photocology: Tee at the World Trade Center
Photocology: Tee at the World Trade Center
Photocology: Tee at the World Trade Center
Photocology: When I told her we where at "Ground Zero" she said "Oh! this is ground zero"
Photocology: She asked me how long as this big hole been here.
Photocology: Tee at the World Trade Center
Photocology: Tee at the World Trade Center
Photocology: Tee at the World Trade Center