fryeme100: Utah Height and Might
fryeme100: An Archway to Front Door
fryeme100: Turkey Shoot - Arched Window & Columns
fryeme100: Turkey Shoot - Boston Building Doors
fryeme100: Utah State Capital and Flag
fryeme100: Utah State Capital Obscured
fryeme100: Utah State Capital South
fryeme100: Utah State Capital South East
fryeme100: Utah State Capital East
fryeme100: Cathedral of Madeline - SOOC (RAW)
fryeme100: Utah State Capital (Early Morning) - SOOC
fryeme100: SLC LDS Temple - Textured
fryeme100: Windows a la Hole
fryeme100: Window Reflected
fryeme100: Window and Rail Reflected
fryeme100: Spook House 2
fryeme100: Spook House 1
fryeme100: Do I Go In?
fryeme100: Columns at Night Extreme Angle
fryeme100: Columns at Night B and W
fryeme100: Columns at Night Color (SOOC)
fryeme100: Left to Fall (Manual Focus & SOOC)
fryeme100: Turkey Shoot and Some Insight
fryeme100: Turkey Shoot- Throw Back
fryeme100: Turkey Shoot - Salt Palace South
fryeme100: Capital Fall Away
fryeme100: Utah State Capital Building
fryeme100: Utah State Capital at Night
fryeme100: Column Capital - RAW SOOC
fryeme100: Lighted Cathedral