R&K Retirement Photography:
Angels we have heard on high
R&K Retirement Photography:
Anorexic Snowman
R&K Retirement Photography:
Happy Holidays 2014
R&K Retirement Photography:
Hear the Music
R&K Retirement Photography:
Helping Hands 1
R&K Retirement Photography:
Helping Hands 2
R&K Retirement Photography:
Lighting Gone Crazy
R&K Retirement Photography:
Little Light Bokeh Fun
R&K Retirement Photography:
Lollipop Lights
R&K Retirement Photography:
Nighttime Holiday Light Magic
R&K Retirement Photography:
Ornament Reflections 1
R&K Retirement Photography:
Ornament Reflections 2
R&K Retirement Photography:
Peacock and Friend in Lights
R&K Retirement Photography:
Peacock in Lights
R&K Retirement Photography:
Showers of Colors
R&K Retirement Photography:
Spider Showers
R&K Retirement Photography:
Throwing Sparks
R&K Retirement Photography:
Evil eyes start the fun
R&K Retirement Photography:
Sunrise Profile
R&K Retirement Photography:
Utah Snowcountry Sunrise
R&K Retirement Photography:
Holiday Lantern