photobobuk - Robert Jones: "Nativity" at Birmingham Christmas Market
photobobuk - Robert Jones: "Bullring Bull" a present!
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Carousel Horse Ride, Fairground
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Big Wheel at Birmingham Market, England UK
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Carols by Candlelight Christmas Service
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Birmingham Frankfurt Market, UK
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Candlelight Service
photobobuk - Robert Jones: "Santa" - The Big Hoot Trail
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Christmas Nativity
photobobuk - Robert Jones: "While Shepherds Watched"
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Birmingham German Frankfurt Christmas Market
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Candlelight, St Martin's Church in the Bullring, Birmingham, England UK
photobobuk - Robert Jones: St Martin's Church, Bullring, Birmingham UK
photobobuk - Robert Jones: NSPPC Festival of Trees
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Custard Factory, Birmingham, England UK
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Frankfurt Market
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Birmingham St Philip's Cathedral, England UK
photobobuk - Robert Jones: 5043 Earl of Mount Edgecumbe, GWR Locomotive
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Birmingham Cathedral UK - "In the Marvellous Moment"
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Needless Alley, Birmingham, England UK
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Cannon Street, Birmingham UK
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Birmingham Big Wheel, UK
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Brindley Place, Birmingham UK
photobobuk - Robert Jones: PDSA Charity Shop & Friends, Darlek, Batman, & Spiderman
photobobuk - Robert Jones: Birmingham St Philip's Cathedral, England UK
photobobuk - Robert Jones: "Nativity" St Edburghas' Church, "Yardley Old Church"