photo Bee1: fl Sandhill Crane Family_ROT8665Florida NIKON D3S April 12, 2011
photo Bee1: Barred Owl_D702318Florida NIKON D7000 April 13, 2011
photo Bee1: White Ibis_ROT9389Florida NIKON D3S April 14, 2011
photo Bee1: Eastern Meadow Lark_ROT9310Florida NIKON D3S April 14, 2011
photo Bee1: Lake Jackson Trees with Moss HDR _D702496Florida_HDR NIKON D7000 April 14, 2011
photo Bee1: Laughing Gulls courtship April 17, 2011NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Laughing Gulls copulating April 17, 2011NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Water hyacinth - Eichhornia crassipes April 17, 2011NIKON D7000
photo Bee1: Sunrise Joe Overstreet April 14, 2011NIKON D7000
photo Bee1: Eagle on pole with wires April 14, 2011NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Loggerhead Shrike April 14, 2011NIKON D7000
photo Bee1: Bald Eagle in flight April 14, 2011NIKON D7000
photo Bee1: White Ibis c-u head April 14, 2011NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: White Ibis April 14, 2011NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Female Common Gracle April 14, 2011NIKON D7000
photo Bee1: Cattle egret breeding plumage eating April 14, 2011NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Eagles in Nest April 14, 2011NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Osprey leaving nest _ROT9751Florida April 15, 2011 NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Osprey returning to nest _ROT9795Florida April 15, 2011 NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Osprey flight _ROT9919Florida April 15, 2011 NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Osprey _ROT0005Florida April 15, 2011 NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Osprey w chick in nest _ROT0019Florida April 15, 2011 NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Osprey w chick in nest _ROT0020Florida April 15, 2011 NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Osprey w chick in nest _ROT0053Florida April 15, 2011 NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Osprey Grabbing Branch April 15, 2011NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Ospreyflying w Branch April 15, 2011NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Osprey flying w Branch bring to nest April 15, 2011NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Osprey flying w nesting Material April 15, 2011NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Osprey landing April 15, 2011NIKON D3S
photo Bee1: Weather April 15, 2011NIKON D7000