=Jessie=: What's going on inside the camera, anyway?
=Jessie=: Is that the face of a preteen or what?
=Jessie=: Lazy Saturday
=Jessie=: Yes, he's a big nerd.
=Jessie=: 8-2-08 087
=Jessie=: Leah Looking
=Jessie=: Cameron at the Fountain
=Jessie=: Lele at the Fountain
=Jessie=: Family shot
=Jessie=: Family shot II
=Jessie=: Cameron's angry face
=Jessie=: Lele's sad face
=Jessie=: Leah
=Jessie=: Leah and her blue eyes
=Jessie=: Trying to Catch a Spray
=Jessie=: Trying to Stop a Spray
=Jessie=: Radioman
=Jessie=: He's a Nikon Man
=Jessie=: Radioman
=Jessie=: Radioman
=Jessie=: What now, Mom?
=Jessie=: TJ, aka Spiderman