=Jessie=: Rockin out to Los Lobos
=Jessie=: Oh god, yes they did.
=Jessie=: Keep Out (made a little more level)
=Jessie=: Keep Out
=Jessie=: Sucker
=Jessie=: Alliyah, happy
=Jessie=: Josie at the Fence
=Jessie=: Josie at the Fence
=Jessie=: Oh Lele, you're so timid
=Jessie=: Me and my Friend, Lele
=Jessie=: Cameron at the Fountain
=Jessie=: Lele at the Fountain
=Jessie=: Cameron's angry face
=Jessie=: Lele's sad face
=Jessie=: Trying to Catch a Spray
=Jessie=: Trying to Stop a Spray
=Jessie=: TJ, aka Spiderman