photo synth: Crescent Moon Acupuncture LLC clinic 7-10-11
photo synth: work table and storage shelves 7-10-11
photo synth: treatment table 7-10-11
photo synth: interview table 7-10-11
photo synth: reupholstered leather chairs 7-10-11
photo synth: the acupuncturist is in 7-20-11
photo synth: Mona and license 8-17-11
photo synth: reviewing herbs 3-23-13
photo synth: taking down winter 4-10-14
photo synth: taking down snowflakes 4-10-14
photo synth: putting up herbs 4-10-14
photo synth: spring moon 5-13-15
photo synth: pulse evaluation 3-27-16
photo synth: Mona - pulse evaluation 3-27-16
photo synth: acupuncture treatment 3-27-16
photo synth: crescent moon 3-3-17