photo synth: frost advisory2 9-4-2010
photo synth: June garden 5-13-13
photo synth: moonlit garden 5-13-13
photo synth: view from the window2 5-7-13
photo synth: hydrangeas and shack 2-16-14
photo synth: garden bed reconstruction 8-3-14
photo synth: pruning the Canadian lilac tree 4-26-15
photo synth: winter arrives 11-13-15
photo synth: clearing the yard 3-10-16
photo synth: the gardener 5-6-16
photo synth: spring gardens 5-24-16
photo synth: the ranch 6-22-16
photo synth: central garden path 7-2-16
photo synth: under the moon 7-22-16
photo synth: SW garden path 7-31-16
photo synth: SW garden 8-25-16
photo synth: morning glory 9-20-16
photo synth: garden path 5-30-17
photo synth: gardens 6-4-17
photo synth: cloudburst with robin 7-1-17
photo synth: capturing flowers 7-6-17
photo synth: night garden 7-14-17
photo synth: morning path 7-20-17
photo synth: garden path 8-6-17
photo synth: In the garden 8-19-17
photo synth: winter arbor 1-16-18
photo synth: SMC floral displays 6-25-18
photo synth: Mona - Owatonna gardening 9-26-18