The Photo Doctor: Halloween Party
The Photo Doctor: Party at Bobs Camp
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy Chalk Drawing
The Photo Doctor: 99bridepap2x3.tif
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy an Sue Halloween
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy at Forbes Trail
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy and Pap
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy Chris & BJ
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy and Sue The prom
The Photo Doctor: Mommy and Daddy Back To Future
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy and Justin at School
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy's School Photo
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy and Pap Jae
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy Baseball
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy and Ronnie at Camp B
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy Counting Kennywood Pennies
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy In The Rain
The Photo Doctor: Pap's Tractor Crew
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy Christmas 1985
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy Swimming
The Photo Doctor: Future Biker
The Photo Doctor: Jeremy Newborn