Michael Spady: 5161b&w
Michael Spady: IMGP5161
Michael Spady: 5161hdr
Michael Spady: 5161hdrb&w
Michael Spady: IMGP5147b&w
Michael Spady: 5164hdr
Michael Spady: 5175hdrb&w
Michael Spady: School bell
Michael Spady: 5170hdr
Michael Spady: 5170hdrb&w
Michael Spady: Friends Church 1894 b&w hdr
Michael Spady: Chuck's Gas Station, Scotts Mills, OR. A resident told me that this was a functioning gas station up into the 1970s.
Michael Spady: My Favorite run-down gas station, in Scotts Mills, Oregon. Through the windows, at the right angle, you can see a light bulb burning and I am told that someone visits the building periodically
Michael Spady: My Favorite run-down gas station, in Scotts Mills, Oregon. Through the windows, at the right angle, you can see a light bulb burning and I am told that someone visits the building periodically
Michael Spady: My Favorite run-down gas station, in Scotts Mills, Oregon. Through the windows, at the right angle, you can see a light bulb burning and I am told that someone visits the building periodically
Michael Spady: 1732 hdr
Michael Spady: 1732 hdr b&w
Michael Spady: IMGP1741
Michael Spady: IMGP1741 b&w
Michael Spady: IMGP1961 b&w
Michael Spady: Door and Windows 4251 edit edit edit edit-
Michael Spady: Door and Windows 4251 edit edit edit-
Michael Spady: Chuck's Gas Station 1 4217 edit edit edit-
Michael Spady: Chuck's Gas Station 3 4226 edit-
Michael Spady: Chuck's Gas Station 4 4230 edit edit edit-
Michael Spady: Chuck's Gas Station 5 4239 edit edit edit edit-
Michael Spady: Chuck's Gas Station 5 4239 edit edit-
Michael Spady: Chuck's 2414 edit Copy 1 (1 of 1)
Michael Spady: Chuck's Gas Station 2415 edit (1 of 1)
Michael Spady: Chuck's Gas Station 2416 edit (1 of 1)