phool 4 XC: touching up
phool 4 XC: pastoral address
phool 4 XC: Christ the Saviour Antiochian Orthodox Church
phool 4 XC: church blessing
phool 4 XC: the sheep and the shepherd
phool 4 XC: Need a new choir member?
phool 4 XC: After the Liturgy
phool 4 XC: on the altar
phool 4 XC: In peace, let us pray to the Lord!
phool 4 XC: Standing in Prayer
phool 4 XC: eyes on you
phool 4 XC: Bogoroditsye Dyivo
phool 4 XC: Everyone Welcome
phool 4 XC: Abouna
phool 4 XC: St. Sophia
phool 4 XC: view from the parking lot
phool 4 XC: we sure do like onion domes
phool 4 XC: Abouna
phool 4 XC: good signage
phool 4 XC: Transfiguration of Our Lord
phool 4 XC: Beginning to Pray
phool 4 XC: Christ the Saviour Mission
phool 4 XC: pastoral care
phool 4 XC: Abouna amidst the icons
phool 4 XC: final blessing, and bread
phool 4 XC: Discussion
phool 4 XC: Homily
phool 4 XC: Sunday school Christmas pageant