phool 4 XC: Welcome
phool 4 XC: In Memory
phool 4 XC: Clothing box
phool 4 XC: Cybernetic Man
phool 4 XC: Great Wall of Carbondale
phool 4 XC: Peeling paint
phool 4 XC: Insecurity at work
phool 4 XC: Penguin
phool 4 XC: A welcome sign
phool 4 XC: Second Cup logo
phool 4 XC: Terroists for Kerry
phool 4 XC: After the election
phool 4 XC: Your SUV <3 Iraqi Oil
phool 4 XC: Power of Pride
phool 4 XC: Sterile
phool 4 XC: Wet floor
phool 4 XC: A typical Greek intersection
phool 4 XC: Pennsylvania's Watch Tower
phool 4 XC: GYBE!
phool 4 XC: Hotel Pella
phool 4 XC: Drivers Wanted
phool 4 XC: The sign of the spinning shoe
phool 4 XC: Satisfaction
phool 4 XC: Greek Orthodox Church
phool 4 XC: Evening light
phool 4 XC: Green
phool 4 XC: Narrow gate?
phool 4 XC: Yield
phool 4 XC: Nye Trogat!