phomchick: Mu Gompa
phomchick: Two Nepali girls at Ngakyu Village, Tsum Valley
phomchick: Morning light, Chumling, Tsum Valley
phomchick: Early morning in Chumling, Tsum Valley
phomchick: Re-crossing the Shyar Khola
phomchick: When you have lemons, make lemonaide
phomchick: Lost World
phomchick: Nepal wanderer
phomchick: Morning light across the river from Deng
phomchick: Nepali sidewalk, Prok, Nubri Valley, Nepal
phomchick: Young girl at Prok Monastery
phomchick: Barley Field and Traditional Houses
phomchick: Chorten with mani walls
phomchick: Manaslu from Lho
phomchick: Summit of Manaslu from Lho
phomchick: Nepali lumber mill
phomchick: Mani stone and Chorten complex, Samagaon
phomchick: On the trail to Punggyen Monastery
phomchick: Punggyen Himalayan Meadow
phomchick: Manaslu and Samagaon
phomchick: We are watching (out) for you
phomchick: At Pashupatinath Temple
phomchick: Indiana Goldstein